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Showing posts from September 13, 2009

Target IE6 and IE7

#myelement { color: #999;              /* shows in all browsers */ *color: #999;             /* notice the * before the property - shows in IE7 and below */ _color: #999;         /* notice the _ before the property - shows in IE6 and below */ }

Recent css Tricks learned

   1. z-index only applies to elements that are given a "position" value 2. margin: auto" will only work when a width is declared for the element. 3. padding adds to the overall width of the element. and cannot contain negative values. 4 .CSS Specificity CSS styles follow an order of specificity and point values to determine when styles override one another or take precedence. They are like so: Elements – 1 points Classes – 10 points Identifiers – 100 points Inline Styling – 1000 points When in doubt, get more specific with your style declarations. You can also use the !important declaration for debugging purposes if needed

Seven tips to identify a LIAR

1. Consider the person's recall:  Liars never forget what they have to say but they may stumble when telling a tale by making contradicting statements. They're also eager to change the subject.  2. Observe the person's overall body language: Liars can look ill at ease, fiddling with their hair, stroking their throat, or rubbing their eyes. With their body often turned away from you, you may notice hand or leg fidgeting. Liars also have trouble swallowing and may shake their heads after a point has been made. When the subject finally gets changed, they appear happier and more comfortable, maybe laughing nervously.  3. Take notice of any defensiveness: Liars will often take offence to any indication that they're under suspicion. They're likely to throw any accusations you throw at them back at you. They will also talk too much, feeling the need to over-explain themselves.  4. Home in on facial expressions: Liars fail to control their micro-expressions. While