DTD - The Document Type Declaration
A DTD is a Document Type Definition, also know as DOCTYPE. In a document served as text/html, the DOCTYPE informs the browswer how to interpret the content of the page . If the the doctype is not declared, the browser assumes you don’t know how to code, and goes into " quirks mode ". If you know what you are doing and include a correct XHTML DOCTYPE, your page will be rendered in " standards mode ". A DTD is a Document Type Definition, also know as DOCTYPE. In a document served as text/html, the DOCTYPE informs the browswer how to interpret the content of the page . If the the doctype is not declared, the browser assumes you don’t know how to code, and goes into " quirks mode ". If you know what you are doing and include a correct XHTML DOCTYPE, your page will be rendered in " standards mode ". All of the above declarations will inform the browser to render the browser in standards mode. When authoring document is HTML or XHTML, it is important...