
Showing posts from July 5, 2009

Joomla - Template: Making Basic Template

1. Joomla Template Conversion (1.0.x) The Template Migration for Joomla Series will show you how to take an existing, static template and convert it for use with Joomla. This highly requested series covers every aspect of template conversion: Organizing the file structure for Joomla, insertion of the Joomla PHP tags, matching and re-naming CSS conventions for compatibility with JOOMLA, and more! By the completion of this series you will gain all the know-how necessary to migrate your template for Joomla. Video One Video Two Video Three Video Four Video Five Video Six Video Seven 2.

CSS Browser detection using jQuery instead of hacks

Browser sniffing is messy. There are a million ways to do it but none of them are particularly clean and most involve conditional statements such as "<!--[if condition]> HTML <![endif]-->" for IE and various other CSS selector hacks for other browsers. I've done a fair amount of browser sniffing with jQuery recently and it's really easy, useful for when you need to detect the browser and version number in your javascript. It occurred to me that it would be easy to detect the browser and then put something in the DOM that your CSS could use for conditional formatting. So I wrote a quick script in JavaScript/jQuery. How it works:   All you have to do is include the JavaScript file in the head of the page and it'll attach 2 classes to your body tag to say what browser and what version is being used so you've got 2 levels of granularity. Possible values are... .browserIE .browserIE6 .browserIE7 .browserIE8 .browserChrome .browserChrome1 .browse...

Improve your jQuery - 25 excellent tips Query is awesome. I've been using it for about a year now and although I was impressed to begin with I'm liking it more and more the longer I use it and the more I find out about it's inner workings. I'm no jQuery expert. I don't claim to be, so if there are mistakes in this article then feel free to correct me or make suggestions for improvements. I'd call myself an "intermediate" jQuery user and I thought some others out there could benefit from all the little tips, tricks and techniques I've learned over the past year. The article also ended up being a lot longer than I thought it was going to be so I'll start with a table of contents so you can skip to the bits you're interested in. Table of Contents   1.  Load the framework from Google Code   2.  Use a cheat sheet   3.  Combine all your scripts and minify them   4.  Use Firebug's excel...

Static, relative, absolute, fixed, float. What the hell is all this!

CSS positioning is quite easy. I guess no-one explained it plain and simple before. I want to be crystal clear about the subject so I decided to separate the post into two parts. The first part (this post) will focus on the four types of CSS positioning:  static, relative, absolute and fixed . The second part will focus on the  float  property that is obviously related to an element's position in our site. Let's get started.

5 Easy Steps Converting HTML Template to Joomla Template

Converting an HTML  template  to a  Joomla   template  is not as hard as you think. Only five easy steps , and you can create and use your  Joomla   template . Why you want to learn this? because  perhaps you stumble into beautiful free html templates while browsing on the net and really want to use it for your  joomla  based website. Step 1 Prepare your  template . The  template  should be (X)HTML & CSS compliant. There are lot of HTML templates on the Internet, just search them by using uncle Google. Templates in  Joomla  is filed under  a directory named  templates . Ensure the HTML file, images and CSS file are inside one single directory created under templates folder. For example, take a look at the  Joomla   template  structure below: Joomla   Template  Directory Structure Joomla  will search index.php inside the  template  directory. So, rename the index.html file to index.php. Step 2 Replace the HTML code before the body tag of your HTML ...