
Showing posts from August 23, 2009

Javascript variable into php variable

You can do it by setting url variables or session variables.   one way to do this is to pass the url like this <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=' JavaScript '> <!-- // var name="Dave"; var number=100; document.write('<a href="another_page. php ?name='+name+'&number='+number+'">another page</a>'); // --> </SCRIPT> from then get the variables using  php <? php  $var1 = $_GET['name']; $var2= $_GET['number']; ?> you can do this via GET, POST, SESSION You could do this all on the same page if you wanted to by calling a  javascript  function that sets these variables and then  php  gets them.


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Gaia Flash Framework: Speed up Development for All Flash Sites

For all you flash developers out there this is a real treat.  Gaia  is a flash framework that can speed up development drastically for your all flash sites. I can't wait to try and use this in on a project. It gives you a simple way to handle the navigation, transitions between pages, preloading and deeplinking.  Talk about a time saver. That's half a website right there. Oh…did I mention that it also handles  SEO . It uses an  XHTML  file that serves as both the  data source and the embed page for each page in your site.  The way the site is structured seems logical, and doesn't seem to get in your way of building a great web site. Here is a video that walks you through the framework :  Gaia Screencast Here is their website:  Gaia Website Here is the download page:  Gaia Download For those of you that have used this framework before, we would love to here your input on it.

What is AJAX

AJAX  offers users a seamless way to work with your interface, no waiting for whole pages to load.   jQuery  has a set of tools to make it super simple to implement.  We will walk you through how to use  jQuery  to connect to  PHP  so you can step up your user interface. What is AJAX plainly means that instead of waiting for the whole page to load, you can load only what you need to.   So if you only need to update one small text part of your site,  you don't have to worry about loading everything else on that page Working Example :

Overcoming Flash Validation Issues

Flash embedding that is compliant with the web standards has always been an issue as the code runs very long and it is very difficult to place Flash reliably. So, how to overcome validation issues of Flash object on a web page? Use jQuery's document ready function (JavaScript which is triggered when the DOM is loaded) . Have a look at the below code: jQuery Part $(document).ready(function(){ if ($.browser.msie) { $('#flashdiv').html('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ width="468″ height="60″><param name="movie" value="yourflashfile.swf" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/></object>'); } else { $('#flashdiv').html('>object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="yourflashfile.swf" wmode="transparent" width="468″ height="60″></object>'); } }); Note: Please use the above code i...