Leading Your Way Out of the Recession

Leading Your Way Out of the Recession
by David Allen Ibsen

Whether you are starting a business, working within a business, or are looking for a new job or career, there are some fundamental rules that do apply-Here are the 5 Rules For Leading in the New Economy:

Rule #1: Acknowledge that the rules have changed. Things will not go back to the way they were. Yes, things in the economy will improve, but they will not return to how they once were. 

Rule #2: Know what the new rules are, and how to optimize for them. Examine why your business failed (or is faltering), or why you were laid off. What fundamental business truths are no longer in existence, and do some research into what jobs, and what business categories are thriving-and why. 

Rule #3: Think creatively, and be ready for when the economy picks up. Use the downturn as a time to plan, and visualize how you will be successful once the economy starts rolling again. If you're in an organization where budgets (and staff) have been slashed, and there's no money to grow-use this time to develop strategic, visionary plans. Remember, thinking and planning are free. If you're out of work, how can you re-position your skill set to fit into the new economy? Read business books, attend webinars and conferences-use this time to think and learn. 

Rule #4: Leverage the opportunities of a changing economy-consider the lower costs of goods, rents and salaries. If you are starting up a company, consider asking out of work experts to "trade brains for stock" 

Rule #5: Subscribe to the theory of "Delusional Positivity." Just as the emotion of stress can have a physiologic affect on our health, I believe that have a positive outlook can have a fundamental affect on a positive outcome. Those who wallow in self-pity, and negativity, can be left blinded when opportunity does arise. The concept of "Delusional Positivity" suggests that by keeping a steady, and consistent positive outlook on the future will keep your eyes wide open to every new opportunity that presents itself. A good example of this theory was Barack Obama's "Yes We Can" theme of his presidential campaign. 

So, go out there and lead, with Delusional Posititivy, self-confidence and the traits of a leader, and remember that the willingness "…to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before" has worked before, and will work again.


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