WordPress as intranet : introducing-prologue


I just happened to see a really cool new wordpress theme that will make you site function like a
mini twitter. It could have pretty cool group and collaborative implications. The theme is called
 Prologue and it was created by Automattic (creators of Wordpress).

Basically how it works is when someone has the ability to post to a blog they see a short form
at the top of the home page with a post box and tags. There they can post short messages about
what they're doing.

Below the posting box is a list of everyone's latest tweet or message, with their Gravatar next to it.
You can click on an author to see all their messages, or a tag to see all of the messages in a
given tag (which we use for projects). There are RSS feeds for everything: the entire prologue, each author, each tag, and even combination or searches can be subscribed to in your RSS reader.

You can have a custom header to personalize the Prologue for your group, and just like any WordPress.com blog you have advanced privacy options: the blog can be public, public but invisible to search engines, and password-protected (available only to members).

Just like a blog post, each message in the prologue can have comments, and of course each comments
thread has its own RSS feed. (Just like in regular WP.)

As a completely virtual company with no two people in the same place every day, we often have trouble
keeping up with each other, so we're going to be using a password-protected Prologue that only Automattic
employees can access as one of our methods of communication, much like some other companies
use Basecamp.

Some folks have suggested that using WordPress, Prologue, and RSS you could create a pretty effective
distributed version of Twitter. This isn't something we're personally interested in, but we've made the theme
available as open source under the GPL so if you want to hack around it yourself you're welcome to.
For WordPress.com users the theme is available in your "Presentation" section.


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