Convert html page to .aspx page

step 1. Convert Html page into .aspx. for example you have index.html, open that with dreamweaver and save as index.aspx.

step 2. open ASP.NET web site. put that file into that folder.

step 3. After putting this, right click folder, you will sub menu that menu choose Add New Item. After that the new dialog box will be opend. then choose class file. if you use C#, change that name as index.aspx.cs and finally press OK.

step 4. In that class file, change the following

public partial class _index : System.Web.UI.age


step 5. Now go to index.aspx, bottom of that page, there will be source, if your press that you will get html

step 6. Write the following coding at top of that source

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWrireUp="true" CodeFile = "~/index.aspx.cs" Inherits="_index" %>

step 7. Finally save that file and close entire web application.

Step 8. Now you can open that web application

Step 9. After openning, press F5, the page will be executed.

The two dots .. instruct the server to move up one directory


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