Angular apps as docker containers

ЁЯЪА **Getting Started with Docker the Right Way** ЁЯР│

Angular apps as docker containers Basic docker image creation and running instances

Docker is an essential tool for modern software development, simplifying the 
deployment process
and ensuring consistency across different environments. Here’s a quick guide on
 how to properly start, stop, and manage Docker using `systemd` along with a few
 handy commands to get you rolling!

### **Starting Docker with systemd**

To enable and start Docker using `systemd`, follow these commands:

systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker

This ensures that Docker starts on boot and begins running immediately.

### **Stopping Docker**

To stop Docker, simply use:

sudo systemctl stop docker

### **Working with Docker Images and Containers**

1. **Pulling an Image**:
   To pull the latest WordPress image, use:
   docker pull wocker/wordpress

2. **Building a Custom Image**:
   To build a custom Docker image, navigate to your Dockerfile directory and run:
   sudo docker build -t ai3-docker-image .

3. **Listing Docker Images**:
   To list all Docker images on your system, use:
   sudo docker images ls

4. **Running a Container**:
   To run a container and map ports, use the following commands:

   - For port 3400:
     sudo docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/usr/src/app -p 3400:4200 ai3-docker-image

   - For port 4200:
     sudo docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/usr/src/app -p 4200:4200 ai3-docker-image

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to mastering Docker.
 Remember, consistent and correct practices ensure smooth
 operations and reliable deployments. Happy Dockerizing!

#Docker #DevOps #Containers #Systemd #SoftwareDevelopment #TechTips 


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